Digital health without the drama

Clinical, subclinical, and administrative services, delivered

Add or change point solutions without contracting, data synch, or billing hassles

Selected Service Categories

  • Fiduciary Defenses

    Our solutions stop false charges, duplicate bills, and illegitimate services to protect your plan

  • Centers of Excellence

    The best national providers offering surgery, diagnostics, and even cancer care for a fixed price

  • Psychiatry Network

    Reinforce any carrier network with almost 10,000 additional therapists to ensure people have access

  • Hazardous Fills

    Save patients from hazardous medication mixes, recalled drugs, and potentially deadly dosages

  • Hospital Readmissions

    A safety team calls high-risk patients after discharge to closely monitor for sepsis and prevent readmissions

  • Advanced Primary Care

    Nationwide network of independent, advanced primary care practices for high-touch primary care access

“New solution procurement and data security took twelve months—plus another six to implement. Now I can do that in a few weeks